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Résumé de la présentation

Who's Presenting

Qui présente

Luigi La Corte


CEO - Provision

CEO - Provision


Luigi is the co-founder and CEO of Provision, a YC-backed risk and requirements management platform for construction documents. Luigi previously was a Director at Plenary, an infrastructure developer that specialized in P3 projects. Luigi is trained as a civil engineer and worked at Arup before transitioning to infrastructure.

Aaron Tan

Founder, PhD Candidate - Syncere AI, University of Toronto

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto Robotics Institute, where my research focuses on deep reinforcement learning and generative AI for robot control.

Recently, I, along with my lab mate, have founded Syncere AI from our Ph.D. research. We are developing a single API for robotics developers to manage natural human-robot interaction in consumer robotics applications.

Previously, I was a researcher at the Temerity Faculty of Medicine, building AI algorithms for early disease detection, and I worked on the self-driving team at General Motors.

Sina Karimi

Lead R&D Axlab Innovations - Pomerleau

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