
Scottsdale Construction Systems is a technology platform which includes highly advanced design, drafting, engineering CAD software which is directly linked to the Scottsdale roll former factory technology. This elegant integration of design/engineering software to the factory floor for printing of the panels from steel gives our clients a strategic advantage. The essence of the Scottsdale solution creates a solid kit of parts for the structure which are uniquely designed for manufacturability and constructability. Scottsdale’s business model is as a partner to all of their fabricators with the industry’s only fully unlimited support and software licensing as they understand the key to success is to not put limits on the capability.


For many builders and the general construction industry itself there has been a reluctance to change. The old adage “if it is not broke, don’t fix it” had definitely applied to the construction industry. In fact, it is one of the reasons why construction productivity gains have lagged behind other industries for the last half century. Technology innovations which allowed most other industries to change and have changed our entire lives have been ignored and untouched in construction. About the only real innovation in construction was either in architecture or by scaling a supply chain. This reluctance to modernize the build process, particularly with the continuing shortage of skilled labor, has contributed to more than a decade of under-building, which has had a tremendous impact on housing affordability.

Modular and off-site construction is already being leveraged to address construction productivity and the skilled labor constraint while increasing the housing supply with higher-quality and more sustainably built residences and has finally started to gain popular acceptance. Scottsddale Construction Systems is a true game changer and we have been through it, created and continue to perfect the process. It allows us to leapfrog from the unnecessarily elongated method of stick-framing to a proven process that reduces cycle time for the construction of low- and mid-rise structures and boosts productivity as well as production volume which enhances profits. Scottsdale Construction Systems and our team have been a part of this modernization and the push for off-site solutions for over twenty-six years including the creation of technology platforms and manufacturing techniques to support it. It is using this technology and platform that we are enabled and will continue to drive to transform and disrupt construction. Increased demand for our technological design innovations that offer budget, schedule, and risk predictability of the final product while meeting our mission of faster, better, smarter and more sustainable building and adding profitability.


In off-site construction with full integration across the construction chain, we leverage technologically advanced and proven construction methods that have been around the world for more than a half-century to effectively improve productivity, build more sustainably, and build more efficiently, drive profitability and address the need for more affordable housing.

We are able to completely integrate the concept, design and engineering of projects with highly automated manufacturing under factory-controlled conditions. All of the structural elements of a building whether completed modules or modular volumetric units, or prefabricated wall panels, floor panels, roof trusses, and all other relevant building materials are delivered to a job site for rapid onsite placement and assembly. The overall process reduces direct framing cycle time as well as overall build time through process improvements that eliminate redundancies and address potential problems before they can happen. All of this in a safe, efficient factory-controlled manner.

The phases of off-site manufacturing:

  • Pre-Construction
  • Design & Engineering
  • Off-Site Manufacturing
  • Delivery
  • On-Site Assembly
  • Finishing and handover

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